Below is a selection of some of my publications.
2019: Tools for Hope: Exploring the Architectures of Hope, IFTA
2019: A whole context scenario approach to reduce cyberbullying, Context Magazine
2012: Finding a Voice, Context Magazine
2011: Consent, Confidentiality and Engagement, Journal of Primary Mental Health Workers
2010: Forgiveness, Progressive Connexions
2009: Cyber-bullying, Exploring the Audience
2007: Currents in the Consulting Room, Caspari Journal
2004: The Fragile Family, in 21st Century Asylums, Premium Publishers
2000: Respect and Trauma, Context Systemic Magazine
2000: Body Image and Bodily Recovery, in International Handbook of Human Response to Trauma, Plenum Publishers
1991: Family Work in a Secure Unit, Journal of Family Therapy